Although they may not happen as frequently as automobile accidents, bus accidents occur more than we may realize. Just like cars, buses are subjected to the same driving conditions and factors on the road. When you step onto a bus, or when you send your child on a bus, you are primarily trusting that the bus driver and the bus company will get you from point A to point B efficiently and, more importantly, safely. It is the bus driver and bus company that can be held almost exclusively responsible for your safety during the time of transit. When accidents occur, it is not unlikely that you will suffer injuries. If you or someone you know has suffered from a bus accident, it may be in your best interest to reach out to Cohen & Cohen, an experienced law firm serving Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia which specializes in cases like bus accidents.
Bus accidents can happen for a large variety of reasons. While some of the factors that contribute to a major bus accident are out of our control, others can be controlled. This means it is the responsibility of your bus driver and bus company to ensure they do everything in their power to transport you safely. That means anything from making sure they get enough sleep before transporting the bus long distances, not texting while they drive, and never drinking while on the job. Although these may seem like obvious things a driver to do, it is important to understand that these ‘common sense’ rules are absolutely obligatory when it comes to commercial buses. After all, it is your life at risk.
Some of the most common causes of bus accidents include (but are certainly not limited to):
- Driver fatigue
- Distracted driving (such as texting and driving)
- Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol
- Unsafe lane changes
- Extreme weather (such as heavy snow and ice, strong winds, heavy rain, etc.)
- Blind spots
- Bus malfunction
These are just a few reasons a bus accident can occur. It is important to remember that many of these factors are caused by the bus driver him or herself. This means, in most cases, you can hold them liable for your injuries. When you pay money for a ticket and when you step onto the bus, the bus company is essentially agreeing to ensuring your safety. When the fail to do, it lays grounds for a lawsuit.
Injuries that you receive from a bus accident can are both traumatic and costly. In addition to the emotional impact an injury causes, injuries can be incredibly expensive to care for and treat. From hospital bills to doctor’s visits to physical therapy, bus accident injuries can be a tremendous economic burden on a victim and their family. It is no surprise that the American medical system is expensive, and most people face challenges when trying to afford it. Nobody suffering from a bus accident injury should have to worry about not having proper compensation.
If you or a loved one has suffered from a bus accident, do not hesitate to contact Cohen & Cohen and we will be more than happy to set you up with an experienced bus accident lawyer on our team.