What Are the Common Causes of Truck Accidents?

Frequently Asked Questions

Trucking accident lawyers Gaithersburg, Md residents count on have the answers

trucking accident lawyers Gaithersburg MDTrucking accident lawyers Gaithersburg, MD residents trust know all too well that crashes involving tractor-trailers are some of the most catastrophic accidents that can happen on the road. The massive size of these vehicles often end up causing fatal injuries to the victims involved. There are many reasons why truck accidents can happen. The following are some of the most common.

Crashes Caused by Truck Drivers

There are many actions or behaviors on the part of truck drivers that can cause a crash. Some of the more common types of dangerous driving behaviors include:

  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving (texting, using GPS, talking on the phone, eating or drinking, etc.)
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
  • Driver fatigue
  • Aggressive driving or road rage
  • Frequent changing of lanes
  • Failure to check for blind spots when changing lanes or turning
  • Failure to use turn signals
  • Improper turning
  • Tailgating
  • Failure to obey traffic laws

Crashes Caused by the Trucking Company

Skilled trucking accident lawyers from Gaithersburg, MD will likely inform you that in addition to actions taken or failed to be taken by the truck driver, there are also failures on the part of the trucking company which can result in a truck accident. It is up to the company to ensure that every truck driver they hire has been properly trained and possesses the skills needed to operate these vehicles. It is also up to the company to make sure the driver has enough experience to handle the often curvy and narrow roads they are required to travel, especially in areas that are unfamiliar to them.

Experienced trucking accident lawyers in Gaithersburg, MD will also inform you that how the truck is loaded is often a factor in truck crashes. If a vehicle is overloaded, this could cause issues in whether the driver can bring the vehicle to a stop or turn the vehicle without risking the truck rolling over, jackknifing, or blowing a tire. Failure to properly secure a load can also lead to a serious crash.

Failure on the part of the trucking company to perform regular mechanical inspections of the vehicle and quickly repair any issues can also lead to horrific accidents.

Other Causes of Crashes

There are also other causes of truck accidents. Trucking accident lawyers from Gaithersburg, MD should tell you that cad road conditions can be the main factor in why a crash occurs. Narrow roads or lanes, roads riddled with potholes, and highways with no shoulders can create hazardous driving conditions for these big rigs and other vehicles traveling around them. Road construction can also contribute to losing control and crashing.

Bad weather can also result in a serious crash. Trying to maneuver these huge vehicles in rain, snow, ice, and fog can be extremely difficult for drivers, as can driving in an area with extreme wind speeds.

Although in many situations the fault of the crash lies with either the truck driver or trucking company, there are situations where there is another party responsible for the crash. There have been many crashes where another vehicle driver has behaved in such a way that results in a truck and other vehicles crashing. This can occur because the first driver engages in the following:

  • Negligent or erratic driving
  • Swerving in front of a truck when merging or changing lanes
  • Unsafe passing, which can cause a truck driver to lose control
  • Ignoring the truck’s blind spots
  • Tailgating behind a truck

If you or someone you love has been involved in a trucking accident, do not hesitate to reach out to Cohen & Cohen and we will be more than happy to set you up with trucking accident lawyers Gaithersburg, MD is proud to have in its midsts.

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