Michael J. Dale, a former supervisor at the Indianapolis Department of Public Works, has filed a lawsuit against the city, claiming he was fired because he expressed his support for President Trump.
According to the lawsuit, Dale was wrongly terminated in April 2018 for proudly wearing a Trump “Make America Great Again,” as well as his Caucasian race and age. When he wore the hat in front of his co-workers, a local union representative spoke out at a staff meeting about it later on.
“Defendants have treated significantly younger, non-Caucasian employees and employees who did not engage in protected speech … more favorably in discipline than it has treated Dale,” the lawsuit said.
Dale’s employer claimed “lack of leadership” for the cause of his termination.
In addition to the city of Indianapolis, the deputy director of Public Works and a union president are defendants in the lawsuit.
This isn’t the first time a person has been fired for publicly showing support for President Trump. Earlier this month, Jim Bunner, a TV reporter in Rochester, Minn. was terminated from his job after he was seen wearing a Trump MAGA hat at a rally.
“He violated our policy so he’s no longer with us,” Noel Sederstrom, news director for KTTC, told the outlet. “We don’t allow our people to wear campaign clothing while on assignment.”
Buner was reportedly also not afraid to discuss his political leanings on social media.
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