Employment Litigation Lawyer Washington, D.C. 
While it would be nice if you could work in an environment that’s warm and non-hostile, it’s not always possible and you may need to hire an employment litigation lawyer Washington, D.C. residents trust. Here are a few reasons why you may need to hire this type of lawyer:
You Believe You Were Wrongfully Disciplined
If you believe that you were treated unfairly or wrongfully disciplined at work, it can make you feel lousy. For example, if you were written up for being a couple of minutes late to work while other employees never get disciplined for being tardy, you should consult an employment lawyer.
You’re Facing Racial Discrimination
Even in this day and age, racial discrimination in the workplace still occurs. Forms of racial discrmination may include making inappropriate comments about an employee’s race, assigning employees of a certain race different job duties, asking job applicants about their racial identity and referring to employees of a certain race in slang terms. If you believe that you’re being discriminated against at work for your race, it can make it difficult to go into work every day. You should speak to an experienced employment lawyer about your situation as soon as possible.
Your Employer Retaliated Against You for Filing for Workers’ Compensation
When you get injured in the workplace, it’s perfectly within your right to file for workers’ compensation benefits. However, that doesn’t stop some employers from getting angry and retaliating against their employees. Forms of retaliation include cutting hours, demoting and terminating. If you’re being retaliated against for filing for workers’ compensation, you should get in touch with an employment litigation lawyer Washington, D.C. residents trust.
You’re Facing Sexual Harassment
Nobody should have to go into work and be sexually harassed. Unfortunately, however, it still occurs these days. If you’re being sexually harassed by a supervisor or coworker, you may dread going into the workplace every day. You don’t have to put up with this treatment forever. Talk to an experienced lawyer about your case.
You Want to File a Wrongful Termination Lawsuit
If you believe you’ve been terminated for an illegal reason, such as for your race or a pregnancy, you have the right to file a wrongful termination lawsuit. To improve your chances of a favorable verdict, you should hire an experienced employment litigation lawyer.
Schedule a consultation with a Cohen & Cohen employment litigation lawyer in Washington, D.C. today.