How much is a rear end accident worth?

Frequently Asked Questions

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At Cohen & Cohen, we know the importance of finding a compassionate and experienced rear-end collisions lawyer when you have been in a rear-end accident. Any accident can be frightening, but a car will often be hit from behind when the car is going at slow speeds or stopped at a sign, light, or traffic hazard.

Often, the person who gets hit while they are stopped is paying attention to the signals and traffic in front of them, while the person who hits them is not paying attention to the road and what is in front of them.

To add more injury to the insult of being hit while patiently adhering to the rules of the road, if your car was stopped or going slow, the laws of physics tell us that the stopped vehicle is going to receive more of the impact and most likely, more of the damages.

If you or a loved one was injured in a rear-end collision– or if someone you care about deeply was killed in this type of accident- talking to a top-rated rear-end collisions lawyer today can start giving you the peace of mind you need to heal or help a loved one recover. It can start you on the road to your lawyer being able to start fighting for the maximum compensation that you may be entitled to. If you are a victim of a rear-end collision or someone you care about has been, contact the caring legal team at Cohen & Cohen for a free consultation, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our highly-rated lawyers will fight tirelessly for you and the rights of you and your loved ones.

Why Me?

While rear-end collisions can be caused by many different things, a common cause is distracted driving.

If you remember the “old” days, this might have been because of a driver:

  • Looked down to adjust the radio 
  • Looked down to adjust the air conditioner or heater
  • Looked behind them because of unhappy children in the back
  • Looked at a map or a piece of paper with directions on it
  • Was eating or drinking
  • Leaned or glanced over to look for something
  • Talking and/or interacting with passengers

Distracted Driving and Technology

Unfortunately, with today’s various technologies, the reasons you may benefit from talking to a reputable rear-end collision lawyer have increased. While the causes mentioned above of rear-end accidents are still prevalent today, technology has caused more distracted driving than it used to. Reasons why someone may rear-end you nowadays include but are not limited to:

  • Texting
  • Speaking on phone
  • Looking at GPS or mapping programs
  • Changing the music or settings on a Bluetooth device

Life-Changing Injuries from Rear-End Accidents

If you or someone you care about was injured in a rear-end accident, or someone you love has died due to a rear-end accident, talking to an experienced rear-end collision lawyer may answer questions and help alleviate some of your concerns.

Many different kinds of injuries can result when someone is involved in a rear-end collision. Some injuries may require medical attention and a healing time of a few months- other injuries can affect a person’s lifetime of future abilities. If you or someone you care about is a rear-end accident victim- and injuries have negatively impacted the victim’s income- you may benefit from talking to a knowledgeable rear-end collision lawyer in Washington DC today.

Common rear-end collision injuries include but are not limited to:

  • Whiplash
  • Head injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Bruised or broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Spinal cord injury and/or compression
  • Blood clots
  • Partial or total paralysis
  • Death
  • Impairments in:
    • Vision
    • Speech
    • Mobility
    • Motor skills

If you have been the victim of a collision- or if you care about someone who has been in this situation – you may feel better about this situation after you have talked to an experienced rear-end collision lawyer with an excellent reputation in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC. For a top-rated rear-end collisions lawyer, contact Cohen & Cohen today.

How much is a rear-end accident worth?

Many accident victims who have suffered in a rear-end collision want to know how much their case is worth. While this is a fair question, know that it is a complicated one that will likely require an experienced professional from Cohen & Cohen With our assistance, you can gain an understanding of the process, determine the value of your case and determine whether it’s in your best interest to pursue an insurance claim or file a lawsuit against the negligent party. 

Pursuing an Insurance Claim VS Filing a Lawsuit

There are typically two roads that an accident victim can take when taking legal action: file a claim with the insurance company or pursue a lawsuit in court. Know that in most situations, your lawyer will likely recommend that you first attempt to gain a settlement from the insurance company before escalating the process. In most cases, a judge is not likely to hear a case until an insurance claim has been pursued. Here are some key differences to keep in mind: 

Filing a Claim

  • Involves submitting a demand letter to the insurance company
  • Allows the opportunity to negotiate a fair settlement
  • Often, insurance claims are settled faster (an average of a few months to a year)
  • The courts are typically not involved in this process
  • If you are unable to settle, you can pursue a lawsuit

Filing a Lawsuit

  • A good option if you were not able to reach a fair settlement through negotiations
  • Has the ability to yield more considerable compensation for victims, punitive damages may also be available
  • It can take much longer to reach a resolution 
  • You no longer have the ability to negotiate and risk walking away with empty pockets

Speaking with a Professional

When pursuing an accident claim, it’s no surprise that there is much at stake. As a victim, you will likely be looking for compensation that will assist with piecing your life back together. While there can be no way to know the exact settlement value, our team at Cohen & Cohen will carefully review the details of your case to determine how much your case is worth. A case review with a lawyer is critical to ensuring that you demand what you are entitled to from insurance companies right from the start. When you schedule a free consultation with our team, we will look at the following to value how much your rear-end accident is worth: 

  • Property Damage: such as the car’s value and any other property damaged or lost in the accident
  • Medical Expenses: all past, present, and future medical bills will be reviewed and accounted for to determine the extent of medical expenses incurred
  • Lost Wages: a review of any missed time away from work (even if paid time off was used) to value how much of your work time has been lost
  • Punitive Damages: a review of the case may determine that punitive damages are available, which may be requested when the negligent party intentionally disregarded the victim’s safety

As a victim, it’s only natural to want to know your claim’s value is. When you meet with our team, we will listen to the details of your accident and the impact it has had on you and determine how much your rear-end accident is worth. Schedule a complimentary consultation to get started with Cohen & Cohen today.

Injury Attorneys DC, MD, VA – Get the Compensation You Deserve! Whether you have been injured in a car accident, a malpractice victim, injured on the job, as the result of shoddy craftsmanship, or in a slip and fall, we can help! Our experienced, competent attorneys excel in all areas of personal injury law.

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Our team is available and ready to help you with your case. Feel free to contact us via the form below or call us  24/7 at 202-507-5456

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