College Park, MD hospital accident lawyers have the answers
Nobody ever imagines they will need College Park, MD hospital accident lawyers for the loss of their newborn child. Losing a baby due to medical malpractice is a devastating, and a truly heartbreaking event for any parent. Most often, parents choose to file a lawsuit against the medical facility for death compensation. The financial award cannot bring a life back, but it can help in the healing process if parents seek justice for the death. The doctor who acted recklessly can be held responsible in court for their poor medical choices or oversights. Below we go into some further detail about how a fetal or newborn death can happen due to doctor, medical staff or nurse negligence.
Oxygen Deprivation
Skilled College Park, MD hospital accident lawyers will likely inform you that oxygen deprivation is a primary cause of injury to newborns. Oxygen deprivation can cause severe brain damage to the baby. If the baby endures prolonged insufficient oxygen, it can result in a fatality. Obstetricians and nurses should be trained to recognize the signs associated with the baby not receiving enough oxygen. A lack of oxygen can be a result of the umbilical cord being wrapped around neck, too much stress during the labor process or placenta complications.
Reduction in Blood Flow
Reduced blood flow to the baby in utero can cause a fatality. Blood is necessary in order to transport oxygen and vital nutrients to the brain and organs of the baby. Hospital accident lawyers in College Park, MD know all too well that if blood flow is reduced or cut off for too long of a period the organs will start to shut down. The doctor or staff should be monitoring the baby for signs of abnormalities.
Delivery Trauma
Obstetricians and nurses or other medical staff are trained to be calm during challenging deliveries. If a baby is in distress due to shoulder dystocia or the fetal monitor strips suggest something is wrong, the doctor must respond with emergency. An inexperienced doctor may not respond with urgency. Or, while in a rush, a vacuum extractor or forceps are improperly used which leads to infant death. In negligence cases like these, hospital accident lawyers in College Park, MD can help you.
Antepartum Hemorrhage (Pregnancy Bleeding)
There are two main types of pregnancy bleeding. The first is called Placenta Previa, which is when the placenta is implanted on top of or close to the cervix, which results in vaginal bleeding. The treatment for placenta previa is typically bed and pelvic rest. If properly handled, the rest can prevent damage so the baby is not delivered prematurely. The second, is called Placental Abruption. The placenta separates from the uterus wall prematurely, causing internal bleeding. If a doctor misdiagnoses the vaginal bleeding, it can lead to fetus death.
Seeking compensation for a baby’s death due to medical malpractice with the help of College Park, MD hospital accident lawyers is common for most parents. Many law firms offer an initial case consultation at no-cost for new clients. This can be a good way to have your claim evaluated and to decide if it can withstand in court. In order to properly heal from the passing of a baby, parents choose to seek justice for their loss. A monetary amount cannot bring their child back, but it can send a strong message to the doctors and staff to not allow a mistake to ever happen again.
If you or someone you love has suffered from a medical malpractice case, do not hesitate to reach out to Cohen & Cohen