Virginia Traffic Laws
Despite the continual enforcement of Virginia traffic laws, driving offenses happen all too often. There are a range of violations that each come with specific penalties. The most common type of consequence for driving violations is a financial fine. Traffic tickets are regulated by demerit points on the driver’s record and may require the offender to pay monetarily. Traffic infractions may result in three or four points added to your driver’s license. The entity that establishes all repercussions for traffic infractions is the Virginia Supreme Court. Punishments can change year to year, but there are more serious violations that can result in jail time or other severe penalties. If you have questions about a traffic-related offense in the state of Virginia, please give our team at Cohen & Cohen a call without hesitation.
Examples of Traffic Offenses
Some traffic violations are deemed minor and are given a fine and negative point. However, there are other violations that can cause a more serious charge, such as driving without a license (or suspended license), first DUI offense (or second or third), felony DUI, reckless driving, speeding, hit and run, eluding the police, and racing. A driver can be putting others in jeopardy even if they aren’t speeding, as driving too slowly can result in an infraction as well if it impedes the flow of traffic and risks an accident happening. Other examples of offenses to Virginia traffic laws can include failing to obey a highway signs, improperly performing a turn, unsafe lane passing, failing to yield, evading a traffic control device, following too closely to another vehicle, not obeying a traffic signal, failing to obey highway markings, improper backing/stopping/turning, failing to drive on the right side of the road, and driving the wrong way.
Car Accident Prevention
To prevent accidents from happening, there are safe driving behaviors that everyone must adopt. But of course, even if you are a safe driver, you could still find yourself in an accident with someone else who wasn’t. It is important to practice safe driving habits so that you at least reduce the odds of being in a terrible collision. Learn to recognize driving situations that could turn hazardous, assume other drivers are going to make mistakes and watch out for them, adjust your speed or position in order to maneuver safely, scan farther ahead in your route so you can respond safely to potentially sudden road conditions, look thoroughly before changing lanes, and check your sides and rear for approaching or passing vehicles periodically. All in all, the more you practice driving safely and mindfully, the better the roadways are going to be for you and everyone involved.
Consult with a Lawyer
It can help to become familiar with Virginia traffic laws so you know what you can and cannot do when in the driver’s seat. And if a situation arises where you are dealing with a traffic offense or accident, it can help to consult with a lawyer who is acutely aware of Virginia law. For further assistance, contact Cohen & Cohen today.