Should you hire a motorcycle accident attorney?

Frequently Asked Questions

Bethesda MD motorcycle accident lawyer

Bethesda MD motorcycle accident lawyerIf you or someone close to you has been in a motorcycle accident in Maryland, there is a good chance that you will benefit from learning what your rights are from a Bethesda, MD motorcycle accident lawyer.

If you or someone close to you was injured while riding a motorcycle because a negligent or reckless driver caused an accident, you’re probably considering your legal options. This is an important thing to do, and our motorcycle accident lawyer will be happy to assist you in this process. At Cohen & Cohen, we know firsthand how devastating a motorcycle accident can be for the entire family; and not just for the unfortunate rider. There may also be long term medical treatment considerations that can easily be swept aside by the at-fault driver’s insurance company. For this reason, it’s important to protect your rights. We can help you do that. Call our Bethesda, MD motorcycle accident lawyer and learn more about your legal options. You won’t be charged for your initial consultation. It’s critical that you act as soon as possible in order to increase your chances of a positive outcome.

Personal Injury Claim

Following an injury accident, the victim has a limited period of time in which to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver. However, it’s important to have a deep understanding of additional damages you may suffer in the future and which should be included in your claim. This is difficult to foresee if you have never found yourself in a similar situation.

Our motorcycle accident lawyer has a thorough understanding of injury claims involving motorcyclists and can work with your physician to determine what past, present, and future accident-related damages to include in your claim. Once you accept a settlement from the insurance company, it’s final and future damages will not be considered after that. If you are not familiar with this process it may be best to hire a MD motorcycle accident lawyer from Cohen & Cohen who is familiar with Bethesda courts. A mistake on your part could cost you many thousands of dollars if you have to undergo additional treatment that you did not include in your claim.

Wrongful Death Claim

A very sad fact is that many motorcyclists do not survive accidents with other vehicles. If another driver caused the death of your spouse then you may be able to pursue a wrongful death claim. Similar to a personal injury claim, a wrongful death claim settlement will enable you to pay for accident-related medical treatment and other damages. It can also compensate you for the income your loved one would have earned up until their retirement.

If the other driver acted maliciously in their intent, they may also be assessed an additional financial penalty known as punitive damages. A common example of this is when a car or truck intentionally runs a biker off the road. If this occurred to your loved one, the malicious driver should be punished for their actions, and a punitive damage award is one way of doing this.

It is recommended that accident victims get the help of a personal injury lawyer who knows how to defend the rights of motorcycle accident victims and who is licensed to practice in Bethesda and throughout MD.

Damage Assessment

Generally speaking, the more damages your loved one sustained as a result of the other driver’s negligence, the more reason you have to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer to make sure their insurance company provides you with a fair settlement.

Contact Cohen & Cohen When You Need to Protect Your Rights

If you or your loved one suffered damages as a result of another driver’s actions, call us today to speak with our motorcycle accident lawyer at no charge and to learn how we might be able to help you get justice. The dedicated team at Cohen & Cohen has a motorcycle accident lawyer who is right for you and if we do not, we would like to try to help you to find one that is.

Injury Attorneys DC, MD, VA – Get the Compensation You Deserve! Whether you have been injured in a car accident, a malpractice victim, injured on the job, as the result of shoddy craftsmanship, or in a slip and fall, we can help! Our experienced, competent attorneys excel in all areas of personal injury law.

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