Hit and Run
Hit & Run Attorney Services in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia
Hit and run car accidents and collisions can be devastating. Getting into a car accident can be the one of the most upsetting events in someone’s life. Your life can be permanently, or at least semi-permanently, disrupted by the legal fees, hospital bills, property damage, and psychological and/or emotional distress. The only thing that can possibly make a car accident worse is if you are injured or your property is damaged, and the other person takes off – a so called hit and run accident. If you or someone close to you has been the victim of a hit and run, consult with the car accident lawyer DC trusts at Cohen & Cohen.

Hit and run accidents are becoming more common, especially in areas like Washington, D.C. where there is a fairly large amount of pedestrian and bike traffic. In September of 2011, Ashley Halsey III wrote an article for the Washington Post, hoping to get information about the huge amount of unsolved hit and run accidents that had happened in the D.C area so far that year. Halsey wrote that there had been seventeen hit and run accidents by September, thirteen of them were fatal, and all of them were unsolved, according to the American Automobile Association.
State Laws Vary. A Hit & Run Lawyer Can Determine Whether You’re Eligible For Compensation
In Washington, D.C., fleeing the scene of the accident is illegal in the case that one motorist causes another motorist injury or substantial property damage. If there is an injury, the driver is required by law to contact the police and stay or leave their information with a coherent party, until the police arrive. In Virginia, drivers involved in any traffic accident are required to wait at the scene for police. If both drivers are injured, they are allowed to drive straight to the hospital but must provide their information in a timely manor. In Maryland, not only is a driver responsible for staying at the scene of the accident if the other party is injured or has damaged property, but they are responsible for attending to the injuries of the other person if they caused the accident. Failure to remain at the scene of the accident in Maryland, Virginia, or Washington, D.C., can result in fines, jail time, and enough points to revoke a license.
If someone has abandoned you or a member of your family after causing, or even just being involved in, an accident, the state you live in entitles you to compensation for the damage the other person caused, physically, emotionally, and financially. Leaving the scene of an accident without even checking if the other person is alive is an incredibly cold blooded thing to do, that most people would never dream of doing.
As you can see from Halsey’s article, police cannot be the only resource on whom you rely as you try to recover from your accident. So many car accidents happen that police often do not have the manpower or time to solve each one. However, if you have a witness or piece of evidence, such as the other driver’s license plate number, an experienced hit and run attorney from Cohen & Cohen can help.
Call a trusted hit and run attorney from Cohen and Cohen today! If you have been in a hit and run accident in the D.C. Metro Area, our seasoned attorneys can help you get the compensation you need and deserve! Please do not rely on any advice provided herein, as the laws change periodically. Always contact a lawyer for help and information about your case.