Asbestos Lawyer Washington DC
Asbestos Attorney DC
If you are looking for an asbestos lawyer in Washington, D.C., you have come to the right firm. Cohen & Cohen has obtained tens of millions of dollars on behalf of its injured clients. Asbestos victims and their families who need an asbestos lawyer in D.C. should contact Cohen & Cohen to obtain a free consultation. An asbestos lawyer is also called a mesothelioma lawyer, so if you or a family member has been diagnosed with an asbestos related injury such as mesothelioma, then choosing a mesothelioma and asbestos lawyer in Washington, D.C. can provide peace of mind when dealing with excessive medical bills, disability, and other losses.
The History of Asbestos
Although the use of asbestos dates back thousands of years, it became popular during the Industrial Revolution. It has been used in many products, from fireproof fabrics to a variety of construction materials and insulation. The fibers are fire resistant and have great insulating properties. In fact, for decades, asbestos was seen as a wonder material and was used pervasively. Asbestos was used in many industries, however the shipbuilding industry was heavily affected as they used asbestos abundantly. Curiously, it continued to be used regularly despite mounting recognition of the dangers associated with asbestos use. In fact, documentation exists showing that asbestos manufacturers were aware of widespread risks associated with asbestos by the 1940’s and 1950’s but chose to keep this information private. As a result, thousands of individuals were exposed to asbestos.
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that typically occurs in the lining of the lungs, chest, abdomen, and sometimes heart. People who worked around asbestos or asbestos-containing products have a greatly increased risk of being diagnosed with mesothelioma. Surprisingly, even people who live with asbestos workers or live near asbestos mining areas, product factories, construction environments, or shipyards are more susceptible to contracting the disease. Many old buildings, including old public buildings and schools, were made with asbestos. Simply spending time or even residing in these buildings is likely to result in a fairly low level of exposure, but any degradation of the building increases the risk of disease and asbestos exposure is cumulative. If you believe you have mesothelioma, contact your physician and a Washington, DC asbestos lawyer right away.
Fortunately, bankrupt asbestos firms contributed to an asbestos fund to compensate future victims of mesothelioma. Billions of dollars have been disbursed from these accounts already. Although the funds are intended to support all victims of asbestos-related injuries, mesothelioma is the most serious category recognized by the fund because the victims are impacted most severely. Remember- if you have mesothelioma, you are a victim of the asbestos industry and you deserve compensation. An asbestos lawyer in Washington, DC can explain your rights and help you receive the compensation set aside for you.
The disease is more common in men, although it can appear in both men and women. The risk increases over time. Mesothelioma can take between 20 and 50 years from the time of exposure to develop. Due to the great period of latency, many individuals are still being diagnosed with mesothelioma each year. An estimated 2500-3000 individuals are diagnosed each year at present.
The symptoms of mesothelioma include:
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Cough
- Weight loss
- Decreased appetite
- Night sweats
If you suspect that you may have mesothelioma, especially if you were exposed to asbestos previously, you must contact a physician right away. Time is of the essence, and a prompt diagnosis and treatment can lead to better outcomes. Your physician will likely perform a number of tests to determine if you may have mesothelioma. These tests include a biopsy, a thoracoscopy, and a peritoneoscopy, among others. Although these tests are invasive, they are performed using anesthetic so you should feel no pain. As with any cancer, a prompt diagnosis and aggressive treatment results in the best outcome. Follow the advice of your physician regarding optimal treatment. If your doctor does diagnose you with mesothelioma, you should contact an asbestos lawyer in Washington, DC immediately.
Sadly, mesothelioma is both aggressive and deadly. It can be treated, however. Surgical treatment includes draining the lung of fluid, removing as much cancerous tissue as possible, or even removing a lung. Like other cancers, it can also be treated through chemotherapy and radiation. All of these treatments are costly in terms of medical bills and time off work. An asbestos lawyer in Washington, DC can help you get compensation to cover these expensive bills and the pain and suffering that is inherent with both the condition and its treatment.
Despite OSHA banning the use of asbestos many years ago, thousands of individuals continue to be diagnosed each year. Doctors and scientists are aggressively searching for treatments, and a number of protocols have been initiated to determine the efficacy of a variety of different medications. Both Lovastatin and Endostatin have shown some promise in treated mesothelioma. In addition, immunotherapy can help boost the immune system to fight mesothelioma. Even though mesothelioma is not a new disease, scientists are still working to find an aggressive treatment. Your asbestos lawyer in Washington, DC will work to get you the necessary compensation to cover these aggressive treatments.
Cohen & Cohen offers a free case evaluation. If you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos, contact us today. You should review the matter with an asbestos lawyer in Washington, D.C. today! We are here to offer guidance and help.