Should I hire an attorney for my parent in a nursing home incident?

Frequently Asked Questions

Nursing Home Lawyer Montgomery County, MD

Should I hire an attorney for my parent in a nursing home incidentAny good nursing home lawyer Montgomery County, MD residents count on will tell you that knowing the rights of your loved ones in a nursing home is very important. Elders in nursing homes often get taken advantage of due to their weak state. Nursing home residents can be vulnerable for numbers of reasons such as being sick, being weak, or any other health complications the patient may face. The constant assistance needed in nursing homes leaves a lot of room for error and for patients to possibly be taken advantage of. Hiring the right attorney is an important step in saving your loved ones if you believe they are being taken advantage of in a nursing home.

Signs of abuse

An experienced nursing home lawyer in Montgomery County, MD will likely tell you that the physical signs of abuse can be the most obvious. Many elderly people are hesitant or scared to report abuse situations involving their nursing homes. They also might be afraid to confront someone who is making them suffer. Constant injury that is not an accident should not be tolerated and these issues are preventable by hiring better staffing.

Some of these physical signs are:

  • Dehydration or Malnutrition
  • Bed sores
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bruises, cuts, fractures
  • Unexplained Venereal Disease
  • Frozen joints
  • Unsanitary conditions
  • Soiled clothing
  • Sudden behavioral changes
  • Depression
  • Loss of possessions
  • Bloody clothing
  • Sudden financial losses

Rights of Residents

A resident of a nursing home should have many rights. The patient must be free from verbal, sexual, physical and mental abuse. Additionally, as a nursing home lawyer from Montgomery County, MD will inform you, the patient should not be retrained by any physical actions or chemicals that would be imposed or convenience or discipline. If a nursing home does violate any of these conditions, they will be subject to major punishments.


Neglect in a nursing home is any act of ignoring the elder. This includes failure to provide essential health services, food, clothing, medication, supervision, medical care, and any other dail essential needs. Neglect can also include not checking up on the patients enough during the day allowing them to possibly be stuck with an injury and no help. A skilled nursing home lawyer in Montgomery County, MD will recommend checking in on your loved one to make sure they are being cared for.

Neglect and Abuse

Some reasons neglect and abuse are common in nursing homes are poorly trained and unqualified staff or an inadequate numbers of staff. Additionally residents are often scared or reluctant to report abuse because they are embarrassed or sacred. Many residents in nursing homes are not able to communicate properly due to their physical or mental state.

Where can I report my loved ones nursing home conflicts?

If you suspect a loved one is being abused in a nursing home, don’t be afraid to take action. You know your loved ones more than anyone so don’t let anyone convince you otherwise to not be cautious and take action. You can notify the nursing home administrator and this will mean the must investigate and report the conflict to the state agency. Additionally, you should contact the  Department of Public Health or the County Long Term Care Ombudsman.

Don’t hesitate to contact Cohen & Cohen to set up your free consultation with a nursing home lawyer Montgomery County, MD residents are proud to have in their midsts.

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