The reason why so many people need a good side impact collisions lawyer is because these kinds of accidents can cause lots of damage and injuries to the people and vehicles involved.
T-Bone, Right Angle or Broadside
The above terms may remind you of a steaks, geometry, or beaches but these are also terms that are used to describe side impact collisions. No matter what you call this type of accident, it can lead to damage to vehicles, serious injuries to people- and even fatalities.
The damage to a vehicle that has been in a side impact accident can be substantial. Even when the damage does not look that bad, the frame can be damaged and the car is not repairable to be safely driven again. Many times it is obvious from the onset of an accident that the vehicle is totaled beyond repair.
The kinds of injuries that people suffer from after a side impact collision can require extensive medical treatment and lengthy recovery times. In the most unfortunate scenarios, people die in these kinds of accidents.
These types of collisions have sometimes caused close to a thousand deaths per year in the United States alone.
When a collision happens because of a driver’s recklessness or negligence, that driver may be found responsible for injuries, property damages and any other losses that the accident victim experienced. If you or someone close to you has been injured- or if someone you love died as the result of this kind of car accident in Maryland, Virginia and or Washington DC- you may benefit from talking to an experienced and successful side impact collisions lawyer at Cohen & Cohen, today.
Sideswipe and Broadside
The two main types os of side impact collisions are known as sideswipes or broadsides.
A sideswipe typically happens when two cars are traveling in the same direction. The driver’s side of one vehicle crashes into the passenger side of the other vehicle. Common causes of these types of incidents include but are not limited to:
- Improper lane changes
- Drivers failing to check their blind spots
- Lane drifting due to distracted, tired or impaired driving
- Failure to properly yield, especially on turns
If you think that a sideswipe accident you were in was caused by a reckless or negligent driver, start protecting yourself and your loved one’s rights by talking to a side impact collisions lawyer who has experience with getting their clients the maximum amount of compensation they are entitled to.
A broadside collision is often referred to as a T-bone or right angle collision. These occur when the front of one vehicle hits the side of another vehicle. This tends to happen because:
- Two vehicles enter an intersection at the same time and one car hits the other at a perpendicular or right angle
- One driver ran a stop light, stop sign, or failed to yield and follow the right-of-way rules
Even though modern day cars are fairly well equipped with safety features such as bumper and crumple zones for front and rear impact collisions, the sides of our cars do not do as much to protect their occupants. These kinds of accidents can cause severe injuries and medical problems that are the result of these injuries. Side impact collision victims often need to miss work because of their injuries. A victim’s future earning potential may be negatively impacted by ongoing issues from their accident.
If you or someone you care about has been injured in a side impact collision- or if someone you love has died as the result of this kind of accident- start to ease your pain and suffering by contacting a reputable side impact collisions lawyer Washington DCÂ who has helped victims to get the compensation they were entitled to.