Even though product liability laws require manufacturers to ensure that their products are safe for their intended use, consumers continue to need access to a good product injury lawyer Lanham MD residents can count on.
Thousands of consumers are injured or killed in the United States each year because of unsafe or defective products. These victims may have the right to hold companies and other parties liable for the physical, emotional, and financial damages they suffer as a result of their injuries.
If you or someone close to you has been injured because of a faulty or unsafe product, you may find it helpful to talk to an experienced product injury lawyer who is licensed to practice in Maryland. He or she should be able to explain what your and your family’s rights are and may be able to determine whether or not you are entitled to compensation for your injuries.
If someone you love has died as the result of product related injury, you may feel very much alone and confused amidst your pain and sorrow. While a good lawyer cannot bring your loved one back, you may find it comforting to have someone to guide you, and for you to know that you are not alone in this awful situation.
American consumers are very fortunate to have access to a legal system that allows injured consumers to protect their rights. They can do this by filing a product liability claim against any type of company that produces, distributes, markets, and in some cases sells, products to the public, if the companies do not adhere to the strict regulations concerning the health and safety of the people who use their products.
If you are in the unfortunate situation of needing a product injury lawyer Lanham MD product injury victims and their families are fortunate to have in their midst, you may find it a relief to finally have your questions answered and your concerns addressed. When you team up with a lawyer who understands the product liability laws for your state you may find it helpful to know that that they will be using their experience, knowledge and education to fight for your and your family’s rights.
Product liability law can be applied to all sorts of products and goods from packaged foods, children’s toys and clothing, auto parts and malfunctions- to medications, medical devices and construction equipment- to electronics and technology, and the list goes on.
Product injury cases can be difficult to prove because very often, there is more than one party who is responsible for an unsafe product making it into the hands of a consumer. If you think about the last thing you purchased at a store, there are probably many different entities or parties that had something to do with making the product. Very often a product’s designer, manufacturer, distributor and sometimes the seller, can all be found to have some fault in a victim’s product injury. Different products or goods may have a different “chain of command” than the one mentioned here but usually there is more than one party who is responsible for getting a product to market.
If you have been injured by a faulty or dangerous product, or if someone close to you has died because of this, contact Cohen & Cohen to talk to a reputable product injury lawyer Lanham MD is proud to call one of its own.