If you’ve been injured in an accident, you may be wondering if your case could qualify for an injury claim before you contact a Washington DC personal injury attorney. In general, personal injury claims arise when an individual suffers harm from an accident due to someone else’s negligence. This could include several different situations, such as:
- Automobile accidents
- Construction accidents
- Defective product accidents
- Slips and falls
- Dog bites
- Medical malpractice
What are my rights if I have been injured?
If someone’s negligence caused your injury, you may be entitled to compensation for those injuries. A personal injury attorney in Washington DC may suggest that certain legal rights and limitations apply to your case depending on unique factors.
What is a cross-complaint?
A cross-complaint, also known as cross-claim, is a claim by a party against a party on the same side of the lawsuit. A Washington DC personal injury attorney may explain that it is when a plaintiff has filed a claim against multiple defendants and the defendants then file “cross-claims” against each other in hopes of receiving compensation for damages.
What is an example of a cross-complaint?
To help clarify and explain a cross-complaint, a Washington DC personal injury attorney may use the example of a multi-car pile-up. Suppose an accident resulted in two different drivers being injured by a semi-truck because it experienced brake failure. At first, the two drivers, Driver A and Driver B, both sue the trucker and the company that installed the brakes incorrectly. However, after this original case is filed, Driver A begins to think that Driver B should also be held accountable for her injuries because he swerved into her car after he was hit by the truck. Therefore, she files a suit against Driver B. In the meantime, the trucker sues the company that installed his brakes for failing to do it properly.
What is a third-party claim?
A third-party claim is a claim made by an injured party with an insurance company other than their own. A Washington DC personal injury attorney may be able to assist you in making the claim if needed.
What are some examples of a third-party claim?
Here are a couple of examples that will help to further explain third-party claims:
- You were injured during a car accident as a passenger. In this situation, you could file a third-party claim against the driver’s car insurance company for payment of your medical bills and other damages.
- You were using a tool or machinery at your job and the equipment malfunctioned resulting in injury. You may take action against the manufacturer of the product and file a third-party claim.
Can I receive a free consultation with a personal injury attorney in Washington DC?
At Cohen & Cohen, we encourage you to contact our office to receive a free consultation from one of our highly skilled and experienced lawyers. If you suffered from an automobile accident, a fall, a medical mistake, or another type of accident, you may be entitled to compensation. To speak with a trusted Washington DC personal injury attorney, contact Cohen & Cohen at (202) 507-5456.
Why if I have already begun the claims process? Do I still need an attorney?
Not everyone needs a personal injury attorney. However, for many victims who are dealing with serious injuries, handling the complex and stressful process of filing a claim is overwhelming. In addition, when the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, it is often necessary to take them to court. A Cohen & Cohen attorney may automatically prepare for a lawsuit even before the settlement process is complete. This avoids a delay in preparing for court. Another advantage is that because our attorneys are prepared to file a lawsuit, the insurance company may be motivated to offer a fair settlement to avoid going to court. With a DC personal injury attorney from Cohen & Cohen by your side, you’re more protected than being on your own.
What costs or damages can I recover from my personal injury accident?
Potentially, any accident-related costs are eligible for reimbursement. This includes past, current, and future treatments and medications. Recoverable damages vary case by case. A DC personal injury attorney from Cohen & Cohen can review your situation and give you an idea of the damages you are likely eligible to receive.
What is considered negligence?
When someone (or a company) does not take reasonable care to avoid hurting someone, they can be considered to be acting negligently. Examples include:
- A company can be negligent by manufacturing a harmful product.
- A driver can be negligent by operating their vehicle in a reckless manner and harming someone as a result.
- A doctor can be negligent by not treating someone in a manner that is expected of a medical professional under those circumstances.
- A property owner can be negligent by not fixing a dangerous situation that could cause harm to pedestrians.
Can I sue a government for liability?
Yes, you can. In addition to being able to litigate against a government entity for their negligence, you can also sue one or more of their employees if they acted negligently. The attorneys of Cohen & Cohen have experience holding government entities accountable for their actions.
The insurance company keeps offering me money. Should I accept?
Insurance companies may have a team of lawyers looking out for their best interest — and so should you. It’s highly advisable to avoid speaking to the insurer or signing any document without understanding what it means. Reaching out to a Washington DC personal injury lawyer could be a smart choice and entitle you to larger settlements. Please call Cohen & Cohen today.
I don’t have the money to hire a lawyer. Do I still have a chance at getting compensation?
When you entrust Cohen & Cohen to handle your personal injury claim, there are no upfront costs. As a contingency fee-based law firm, we don’t get paid unless you do too. This means you have nothing to lose and should find out what a Washington DC personal injury lawyer has to say.
A loved one died as a result of negligence. Can I file a claim?
Known as a wrongful death claim, these cases may help to relieve you of financial burdens and the emotional loss incurred from such a devastating accident. Wrongful death claims can be complex and require extensive research to build a strong defense- the sooner you contact a lawyer, the better the outcome could be.
How might Cohen & Cohen help me?
As Washington DC personal injury lawyers, we do more than recover monetary damages for the burdens that arise after an accident. Our lawyers ensure your rights are protected to their fullest while alleviating the pressure associated with seeking damages. You can rest easy in knowing our vast experience may help us to reach a settlement that is fair and just. Finally, a lawyer may provide you with the emotional support you need to get you through this period and on with life.
Cohen & Cohen, A DC Law Firm You Can Count on for Optimal Results
No matter how you have been injured, if you think that negligence or carelessness was a factor, Cohen & Cohen, would like to hear your story. To schedule a free consultation with a Washington DC personal injury lawyer, please call (202) 902-8020.
While some of your personal injury claims FAQ may have been answered here, discussing the specifics of your unique situation with one of the experienced and compassionate lawyers at Cohen & Cohen, may help you to determine if you have a personal injury claim that you can seek compensation for.