Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse Law Firm Maryland
Although it often goes unreported, there are many cases of nursing home abuse where it may be in your best interest to seek out a nursing home neglect and abuse law firm Maryland has in its midsts. These cases are serious, and it is important to be informed about them in order to evaluate whether you or your loved one may be entitled to fair compensation. If you have any doubt in your mind that you or a loved one may be being abused, do not hesitate to reach out to a skilled professional to fight for you in court.
What qualifies as nursing home neglect and abuse?
Nursing home neglect and abuse comes about in many forms. It does not always have to be a physical beating to qualify for a case. A skilled nursing home neglect and abuse law firm Maryland can rely on is one that knows all the facts and will fight for you or your loved one no matter what type of abuse is being practiced.
Negligence can take on many forms. Some of the more common types of neglect is when nursing homes higher unprepared staff who have inadequate experience to qualify for the job, when there is poor supervision of a nursing home, and when there are poor health and safety policies.
There are also many ways you or your loved one may be suffering from abuse. Physical abuse is when a resident of a nursing home suffers physical injury at the hands of nursing staff. An experienced nursing home neglect and abuse law firm Maryland residents can turn to is one that acknowledges that abuse is more than just physical injury. Mental or verbal abuse is when a staff member uses language and words to degrade, diminish, or humiliate a resident. Manipulation and financial exploitation is yet another form of abuse where a nursing home staff attempts to steal money from a resident for their own personal gain.
How will I know if my loved one is being neglect and/or abused?
While every case is different, there are many commonalities among each case that show signs of the abuse. For example, if you notice that your loved consistently has poor hygiene, a nursing home neglect and abuse law firm Maryland can trust may recommend you look further into a potential abuse claim. Also, if you notice consistently unclean or unsanitary living conditions, you may also be entitled to a case. If you start to see unexplained physical injuries, this is also another major sign of abuse. Lastly, if your loved one informs you of any of the previous circumstances, do not wait to look further into it. Nursing home abuse is a serious matter that too often falls under the radar. Make sure you pick up on the signs before it’s too late.
If you or someone you love believe you may be suffering from nursing home abuse, do not hesitate to reach out to Cohen & Cohen and we will immediately set you up with a skilled attorney at our nursing home neglect and abuse law firm Maryland has relied on for years.