Medical Marijuana Lawyers Washington, DC
If you or someone you love has a problem or condition that can be helped with marijuana but you are having a hard time getting it or obtaining a license to do so, or have other issues related to DC medical marijuana laws, it may be in your best interest to discuss your particular situation with medical marijuana lawyers in Washington, D.C.
In the District of Columbia, medical marijuana is marijuana that is grown, cultivated and then dispensed pursuant to the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment Act of 2010 (and its various amendments) is legal. Even though marijuana that is specifically for medicinal purposes and can only be prescribed by medical doctors is legal in Washington, D.C., it is not legal at the federal level. Patients whose doctors have prescribed marijuana for a disease or ailment for which a doctor believes marijuana will be more helpful than not should be aware of this.
If you have legal questions about medical marijuana use in Washington, D.C., lawyers that are licensed to help people with marijuana laws and issues in Washington, D.C., may be good people to start with when looking for answers and help.
Washington, D.C. Police and Medical Marijuana
In general, the police and other law enforcement officers and agencies in Washington, D.C. recognize and respect D.C.’s medical marijuana laws and the rights of patients, doctors, medical marijuana businesses (including growers, cultivators, and distributors/dispensaries) and others involved in some way with medical marijuana.
Nevertheless, it is important for people that have any level of involvement with medical marijuana, to be aware that in most circumstances it is illegal under federal law. When someone gets in trouble with the federal government for marijuana, the federal government does not recognize state medical marijuana laws and will treat possession of medical marijuana that was legally obtained in a state where medical marijuana is legal, the same way it would treat marijuana for recreational or other purposes- as illegal to possess and use.
When people need help with Washington, D.C. medical marijuana laws and other legal matters, it is important to make sure that their team of lawyers is licensed to defend the rights of people in Washington, D.C.Â
From patients to medical doctors to providers of medical marijuana that is legal in D.C., people in possession of marijuana may face arrest, prosecution, and incarceration if they are caught on federal land or property in possession of any kind of marijuana. If this happens, they will likely need the help of Washington, D.C. medical marijuana lawyers
Legal issues over medical marijuana are often common in Washington, D.C. because of its proximity to so much federal land and property.
Many people who are involved in the medical marijuana industry also have many legal needs. Even though medical marijuana is legal in Washington, D.C., like all industries in the U.S., the medical marijuana industry is highly regulated by many laws. Doctors and patients also may need help to make sure that the way they are prescribing and obtaining medical marijuana is done legally given the many new laws that dictate what needs to be done to stay within the law.
If you are in need of highly rated medical marijuana lawyers in Washington, D.C., contact Cohen & Cohen for a free case evaluation with no obligations.