The family members of Bijan Ghaisar, a 25-year-old man shot several times by U.S. Park police officers last November, have filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Government.
According to the lawsuit, Ghaisar was involved in a minor car accident on Nov. 17 where there was little property damage and no apparent injuries. He drove away from the scene, but was followed by U.S. Park police officers. He was stopped three times and officers got out of their vehicles and pointed their guns at his head each time.
When police stopped Ghaisar the third time, they blocked his path, got out of their vehicles and shot at him nine times while he was in the car. Ghaisar fell into a coma and died 10 days later.
What makes matters even worse is that police allegedly forbid Ghaisar’s family from comforting him during his final days because he was under arrest.
The young man’s sister, Negeen Ghaisar, said the police didn’t have to shoot her brother.
“If you believe in doing the best you can do, in having integrity, in being honorable and in serving the communities you are working to protect, you need to hold yourselves accountable when you do something wrong,” she said. “The United States Park Police murdered my family as I knew it when they killed my brother and I need them to understand the gravity of that and we as a nation need to do better.”
The Park Police haven’t identified the officers that were part of the shooting and said they are currently assigned to administrative duties.
“Everything about this case,” the lawsuit states, “from the chase, to the shooting, to the subsequent treatment of the family, has been cruel.”
The family is seeking $25 million in damages.
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