There are many situations that warrant the need of an experienced failure to yield accidents attorney. Many drivers drive as if they are the only ones on the road with little regard to laws of yielding and the safety of other drivers.
If you have been injured in an accident with someone who behaved like this in Maryland, Virginia and or Washington DC, you may be entitled to compensation. If a partner or immediate family member died as the result of an accident where a driver failed to yield when they were supposed to, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages and your loss. If any of the above apply to you, it may help you to understand your rights if you talk to a compassionate failure to yield accidents attorney.
If you think you may be in need of a successful failure to yield accidents attorney Washington DC, contact Cohen & Cohen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Calling us for a free case evaluation today, may start you on the road to protecting you and your family’s rights today.
To Yield or Not to Yield
A failure to yield accident occurs when one or more cars fail to follow yield laws and cause a crash. Common situations that cause this type of accident, and people need to seek out a reputable failure to yield accidents attorney, include but are not limited to when:
– A driver does not yield by slowing down and proceeding with caution at a flashing yellow light
– A driver fails to yield by coming to a complete stop before proceeding through an intersection at a flashing red light
– A driver making a left turn fails to yield to oncoming traffic that has the right of way
– A driver fails to yield by aggressively trying merge onto a highway
– A driver fails to yield by failing to completely check their rear and side views before making a lane change; or is aggressive in trying to get into another driver’s lane when there is not enough room
– A driver fails to yield to pedestrians and/or other cars when they pull out of a private driveway
– A driver fails to yield to a pedestrian already in a crosswalk or in an intersection where the pedestrian has the right of way
– A driver fails to yield when approaching cars already in a traffic circle; or fails to yield to the driver to their right when more than one car reaches the traffic circle at the same time
There are many situations not mentioned above where the automobile accident lawyer Washington DC trusts may help to alleviate some of the stress and anxiety about an accident. As with all legal matters, be sure to check with someone licensed in the state where an accident occurred to, apprise you of the specific yield laws in your state.
If you or someone you are close to has been injured in an accident where a driver failed to yield the right of way, or if someone close to you has died as a result of this type of accident, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering and/or loss. Contact a top rated failure to yield accidents attorney at Cohen & Cohen today, for a free case evaluation by one of the members of our compassionate and caring legal team.