Reston, VA Workers Compensation Lawyers
Unfortunately, many people who work from home in Reston find themselves in situations where they are wondering whether Reston, VA workers compensation lawyers can help them seek compensation for their injuries and work related illnesses.
Working from home, or telecommuting, has become very popular in the last few years, largely because of the advances in the ability to access company information via the internet, or because many jobs work exclusively online. If you are an employee of a company that allows you to work from home either full time or part time, and you become injured as a result of something you do for your job, can you file a workers compensation claim?
The answer in most cases is, yes. workers compensation insurance benefits are provided to employees who are hurt regardless of whether they work in an office onsite, in a home office, or anywhere where you are performing work for your employer. The injury does have to occur while you were actually carrying out responsibilities related to your job. If you were injured at home while on the job and are having trouble collecting on a workers compensation claim, call the experienced Reston, VA workers compensation lawyers at Cohen & Cohento get the legal assistance necessary for you to receive the compensation to which you are entitled.
For example, if you tripped and fell over a rug on your way to answer a work-related phone call, you could submit a claim for workers compensation. On the other hand, if you took a break during working hours and fell while walking the dog, you would not be eligible because this accident would not have occurred if you had been performing your job.
Burden of Proof
The burden of proof needed to be successful in receiving workers compensation benefits lies with the employee. He or she has to prove that they were carrying out tasks for their employer when the accident occurred. When a worker’s work and home environment are one and the same, the dangers that the employee may encounter by working at home are also considered employment hazards. According to the law, the employer is required to offer a safe environment for working to all employees, regardless of where they perform their duties. If you or someone you love was injured or became ill while working at home in a work related incident, workers compensation lawyers who are licensed to protect people in Reston and throughout VA, may be able to help you.
Even though a company is not able to regulate what occurs in an employee’s home work environment, workers compensation insurance benefits must be available in case there is an accident of any kind. Just because the accident happens at home outside the employer’s control over the home office, does not change the fact that the employee can file a claim for workers compensation should he or she become injured while working.
Non-Employees Not Covered
If you are an independent contractor or freelancer for a company, the workers compensation laws do not apply to you. Only employees of a company can file claims for workers comp. However, some contractors can claim they were treated as employees if they are working exclusively for one employer. If you are unsure of whether or not you are covered under workers compensation laws in Reston or someplace else in VA, it may be helpful to discuss your situation with lawyers who are qualified to handle these kinds of claims.
Contact an Attorney for Help
At-home workers compensation claims can sometimes present unique challenges. Proving that you were indeed performing duties related to your job when the accident occurred, needs to be well documented. Help may be needed from experienced workers compensation lawyers.
If you or someone close to you is in need of reliable Reston, VA workers compensation lawyers, contact Cohen & Cohen for assistance in gathering all the documentation and forms necessary to make sure your claim is solid and correctly filed.